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Real life is far different from what you see in Western media, Lenovo computers, tablets, cellphones and other products are sold in 160 countries throughout the world! People are informed enough and intelligent enough to see through pretension and dishonesty, In nearly 21 months here, Ive felt very welcomed: Last Sunday, a man asked me, Michael, do you think life is better in UK for people or in the USA? Wow! What a question, Man: What you call a man who sleeps on sidewalk in New York City?Me: We usually call him homeless? Our focus became quality of education: It is part of what one Chinese professor called, our thinking ways in the West?
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they ask me about buying clothes, My cell phone rang at 8:30 a.Now, let me say that I am a Westerner and Westerners are often viewed by many but not all Chinese as having weak family relations. It went on to say that this disorder is more addictive than drugs or alcohol, People and most things share far more similarities than differences, Most importantly, avoid gossip: Michael giving a presentation at Henan University in Kaifeng, UK? It is more learning of the same thing, which is language, Im feeding myself the positive every day, Ive taken care of my parents when they needed money many years ago and other family members and even friends.